13 Simple Profitable Business Ideas For College Students in 2024

6 min readApr 2, 2024
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When you’re a student looking to start a business, the best ideas often stem from solving the problems right in front of you. Tap into the everyday challenges you and your fellow students face instead of venturing into the unknown, which can be time-consuming, expensive, and tricky to get right.

As a student, you’re in a unique position to understand the ins and outs of campus life, making it easier to spot problems, devise solutions, and even rally your peers around your business idea. This approach not only simplifies the startup process but also ensures you have a ready-made audience eager for your solutions.

With that in mind, here are thirteen simple business ideas for students that you can start exploring today.

Simple Business Ideas For College Students

Study Materials and Resources

Textbooks and study stuff can be super expensive. If you’re looking to start a small business, consider focusing on making it easier and cheaper for students to get their hands on study materials. Here’s how:

Study Material Exchange Hub
Establish a temporary location, on or near campus where students can buy, sell, or rent textbooks, notes, revision papers, and other study materials. You can also organize events or booths at student fairs to reach more students.

Charge a small fee for students to list their items or a percentage of each transaction. For instance, if a student sells study notes for $20 and you take a 10% commission, you’d earn $2 from that sale. This model applies to all items exchanged, including textbooks, notes, and revision materials.

Student Book Bazar
Create a simple website where students can list their textbooks for sale or rent and search for books they need. Students can communicate with each other through the platform to arrange transactions.

Similar to the Study Material Exchange Hub, you can charge a fee for listing books or a commission for successful transactions. For example, you could charge $1 to list a book and 5% of the sale price for each transaction.

Meal Prep and Delivery Service for Students

Eating healthy on a budget and finding the time to cook can be challenging for students.

Start a meal prep and delivery service designed for students, providing healthy, affordable meal plans. Consider offering subscription-based snack boxes tailored to health-conscious students. Another option is to launch cooking classes or workshops focusing on quick, healthy meals for students.

Accommodation and Housing

While dorms are available, some students prefer more flexibility or different living arrangements than what dorms offer. They may want to live off-campus, share a house with friends, or find a place closer to their classes or work.

Your service helps students find off-campus housing that suits their needs and preferences. This could include finding roommates, locating affordable apartments or houses, and providing support throughout the rental process.

How to Start:

  1. Identify areas near campus where students might want to live.

2. Talk to landlords or property owners about listing their properties for student rentals.

3. Create a website or social media platform where students can browse available housing options and connect with potential roommates.

4. Charge landlords a fee for listing their properties and/or charge students a fee for using your service.

Example: Let’s say you find a house with 4 bedrooms that rents for $1,500 per month. You could rent out each room to students for $400, making a profit of $100 per room per month. If you rent out all 4 rooms, you could make a total profit of $400 per month.

Second-Hand Clothing and Shoe Resale Service

Students often have unused or gently used clothes and shoes that they no longer need, while others are looking for affordable clothing options.

Offer a service where students can submit their used clothes and shoes for resale. You can collect these items from their dorm or campus, inspect them for quality, and resell them to other students at a discounted price.

How to Start:

  1. Collection Process: Set up collection points in dorms or common areas where students can drop off their items. Alternatively, arrange pickups from individual dorm rooms.
  2. Quality Control: Inspect each item to ensure it is in good condition and meets the standards for resale.
  3. Online Platform: Create a social media page where you can showcase the items for sale and allow other students to browse and purchase them.
  4. Marketing: Spread the word about the service through flyers, social media, and word of mouth to attract both sellers and buyers.
  5. Pricing: Set competitive prices that are attractive to buyers while ensuring a profit margin for yourself.

6. Delivery or Pickup: Arrange for delivery or pickup options for buyers to receive their purchases.

Example: Charge a commission for each item sold, such as 20% of the selling price. If you sell a pair of shoes for $20, you would earn $4 as your commission.

Start a Campus Newsletter

Create and distribute a newsletter for students on campus. The newsletter can include campus news, event updates, student stories, and advertisements. Offer advertising space to local businesses, sell subscriptions to students, or collaborate with campus organizations for sponsorship opportunities.

For example, you could charge local businesses $50 for a quarter-page advertisement in the newsletter. Sell annual subscriptions to students for $20 each, with a goal of reaching 500 subscribers. Additionally, collaborate with the campus student union to feature their events in the newsletter for a sponsorship fee of $100 per event.

Teach A Language

Have fun teaching a new language to others! Whether in person or online, you can share your language skills and cultural insights with eager learners.

Example: Imagine charging $30 per hour for personalized lessons and $20 per hour for group sessions. Your online courses could be priced at $50 each. With a bit of marketing magic, you could find 10 individual students, 20 group participants, and 100 online learners in a year.

Financial Management

Many students find it challenging to manage their finances effectively. Offer financial literacy workshops and coaching sessions for students. Partner with local banks or financial experts to provide seminars on budgeting, saving, investing, and managing student loans. Charge a fee for attending these workshops or for personalized coaching sessions.

Laundry Business

Charge a fee for washing, drying, and folding students’ laundry. Consider offering subscription packages for regular customers.

Start a Snack Line

Create and sell your own line of snacks popular among students. You can sell them on campus, at events, or online.

Resume Writing and Interview Preparation

Offer a service to help students create professional resumes and prepare for interviews. Charge a fee per resume or for a package deal that includes interview preparation.

Campus Event Organizer

Organize and host events on campus or for campus organizations. Charge a fee for event planning and management services.

Personal Shopper

Offer personal shopping services to busy students. Charge a fee for shopping for groceries, clothes, or other items on their behalf.

Tidy and Clean Services

Offer cleaning and organizing services to students. Charge a fee based on the size of the space or the extent of the cleaning required.

Starting a business as a student doesn’t have to be complicated or require a large investment. If you focus on addressing common challenges faced by students and offering simple, practical solutions, you can create a successful venture right from your dorm room.

Which venture are you interested in trying? Let me know in the comments!

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