7 Simple Things To Do After Applying For a Job

Become The Candidate They Can’t Resist.

2 min readJul 2, 2024
An orange chair stands out against a background of blue chairs and well, implying standing out after a job application
Photo edited In Canva

I’ll keep it short and simple. The actions you take after a job application greatly influence your chances of getting called for an interview.

Make these steps a must-do routine after every job application:

Engage with the company online:

The key is to stay visible — “out of sight, out of mind.” The more you’re seen, the more likely you’ll be chosen. Follow their social media, comment on their posts, and show genuine interest in their updates.

Showcase your work:

Prove your expertise beyond your resume. Share your portfolio or work samples via a follow-up email or by adding links to your LinkedIn profile.

Post industry news or helpful information:

Share relevant content to position yourself as an expert in the field.

a visual of two windows, one open and one closed
Photo by milaniCreative

Research the company:

Deep dive into their values, culture, and recent projects to prepare talking points.

Customize your LinkedIn profile:

Align your profile with the job you applied for, highlighting relevant skills and experiences.


If you can’t reach the hiring manager, connect with any staff member from the company. Senior managers might not be as receptive, so it’s better to reach out to someone 2–3 years ahead of you who might be more approachable and willing to help.


Send a polite follow-up email to the recruiter or hiring manager, expressing your enthusiasm and gratitude.

a photo showing an open box written resource
Photo by milaniCreative

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