I Had Several Mental Breakdowns This Week

Here is what I learned

3 min readJun 21, 2024
A building with a poster written ‘how are you really?’
Photo by Mitch on Unsplash

This past week has been one of the toughest I’ve faced. I missed out on an opportunity that had come my way. On top of that, I struggled with mental stress from personal issues that seemed to be consuming me. To make matters worse, work objectives didn’t align as planned. I had to handle an uncomfortable work situation that left me feeling overwhelmed. It felt like everything was falling apart, and I had a few breakdowns along the way.

Despite all this, I learned some valuable lessons that I’d like to share:

Challenge Negative Thoughts

Setbacks can be tough, but they also offer valuable learning opportunities. I did a quick recap of why things went wrong and identified loopholes for future success. By challenging my negative thoughts, I was able to discover how to turn failures into avenues for success in the future.

Face Your Fears

Facing fears head-on can be daunting, but it’s often where growth happens. Once you jump that wall of fear, freedom and mental peace lie on the other side. This week, I faced several uncomfortable situations and forced myself to come out stronger on the other side.

Reduce the Noise

Sometimes, the noise in our minds can be louder than the noise around us. I learned to quiet that internal chatter and focus on inner peace. It’s amazing how much more clarity and calmness you can find when you simply shush your mind.

Nourish Your Mind

One of the most important things I realized is the need to take good care of my mental health. When everything seems to be going wrong, it’s crucial to nourish your mind. Take breaks, engage in activities that bring you joy, and remember that it’s okay to step back and breathe.

Focus on Solutions, Not Problems

When faced with setbacks, it’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts. Instead, I chose to focus on solutions. For instance, when an opportunity was transferred to a colleague, I didn’t allow myself to dwell on it. Instead, I focused on the next thing, looking for new opportunities and ways to move forward.

Control Your Emotions

We have an exceptional power to control our minds and emotions. When I lost that opportunity, I let it go wholeheartedly and focused on what was next. This helped me avoid unnecessary emotional turmoil and kept me moving forward without extra baggage.

Trust in the Almighty

Through it all, I reminded myself that God the Almighty is in control. This gave me the strength to keep going, even when things seemed impossible. Trusting in God helped me maintain my faith and resilience.

Thank God I made it through the week! I hope these lessons resonate with you and provide some comfort and guidance in your journey. Here’s to overcoming obstacles and embracing growth!

Wishing everyone a blessed weekend!




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