Guilt About Taking Time Off Work is a Trap. Don’t Fall for it!

Without time off, we just recycle the same old thoughts and strategies.

3 min readApr 25, 2024
an exhausted mine with head on table, filled with despair
Image by Ri Butov from Pixabay

You know that feeling when your alarm goes off and all you can do is groan? Not because you didn’t get enough sleep, but because you just can’t face another day of emails, Zoom calls, and that never-ending to-do list. We’ve all been there, right?

It’s like, no matter how much you do, there’s always more piling up. And taking a day off? Forget about it. It feels like the world might end — or at least like you’ll come back to twice the chaos.

That nagging guilt we get for even thinking about taking time off? It’s completely unfounded.

Think about it. When you skip that lunch break to answer just “one more email,” or you pass on a weekend getaway because you can’t stop thinking about the cost of not working, what are you really gaining? Sure, you might stay ahead of your emails, or keep your bank account from dipping for a hot second. But at what cost?

  1. Your mental health,
  2. Your creativity,
  3. And yes, even your productivity suffers when you don’t step back.

It’s ironic, right? We work ourselves to the bone because we think it’ll push us forward in our careers or personal goals. But what often happens is quite the opposite.

Ever noticed how your best ideas come to you when you’re chilling out, taking a shower, or just walking in the park? That’s no coincidence. Our brains need downtime to come up with fresh ideas and solutions. Without it, we just recycle the same old thoughts and strategies.

And let’s talk about the algorithm — whether it’s your social media feed, your workplace productivity tools, or whatever system seems to be ruling your life these days. Fear of being forgotten if we step back for a minute is real. But remember, algorithms and systems are designed to keep us engaged because that’s how they thrive. They feed on our fear of missing out and our guilt over taking a breather.

However, the digital world will not collapse. Your career will not crumble. It’s okay to press pause.

Taking time off allows you to reflect on your personal growth, reconnect with your joy and passions, and return to your work invigorated. Think of it as maintenance for your mind. You wouldn’t expect your car to run forever without a tune-up, so why expect it from yourself?

So next time you feel guilty for taking a day off, remember this: unwinding allows you to step into a whole new space of potential and creativity. You’re not losing out; you’re gearing up for bigger and better. Trust me, both you and your work will be better for it.

Now, go ahead and plan that day off. The only thing you have to lose is burnout!




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